[edk2] GetTime - TimeZone
Sivasakthivel Nainar
2015-09-03 19:52:38 UTC
Below both are different Real Time clock implementations in EDK II source.



One is adjusting the Time with Timezone value programmed and other one ( PC code ) is not adjusting. I think UEFI spec does not ask to adjust the time to timezone.

ArmPlatformPkg/Library/PL031RealTimeClockLib/PL031RealTimeClockLib.c implementation may need to be reviewed.

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Andrew Fish
2015-09-03 20:21:40 UTC
Post by Sivasakthivel Nainar
Below both are different Real Time clock implementations in EDK II source.
One is adjusting the Time with Timezone value programmed and other one ( PC code ) is not adjusting. I think UEFI spec does not ask to adjust the time to timezone.
The Spec, which probably is a little too PC centric, states that TimeZone, and Daylight come from values set via SetTime(). I would posit if the RTC stores the TimeZone and Daylight information, then it makes sense to return that info.


Andrew Fish
Post by Sivasakthivel Nainar
ArmPlatformPkg/Library/PL031RealTimeClockLib/PL031RealTimeClockLib.c implementation may need to be reviewed.
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