Meenakshi Aggarwal
2015-07-15 04:20:02 UTC
I am trying to boot linux from SD card.
I have made below changes in my dsc file:
gArmPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDefaultBootDescription|L"Linux from SD"
Here B6F43CC0-9E45-11DF-BE21-0002A5D5C51B is Guid of my SD driver.
My driver's device path is:
gDevicePath = {
Here VenHw has Type as 1 and subtype as 4 in device path whereas HD has Type as 4 and subtype as 1 as device path.
I am registering Type as 1 and subtype as 4 in my driver's device path, is this correct?
In BdsLoadImage() function check is on Type 4 and subtype 1 in BdsGetDeviceHd() function, which is failing in my case.
Also in BdsConnectAndUpdateDevicePath(),
do {
Remaining = *DevicePath;
// The LocateDevicePath() function locates all devices on DevicePath that support Protocol and returns
// the handle to the device that is closest to DevicePath. On output, the device path pointer is modified
// to point to the remaining part of the device path
Status = gBS->LocateDevicePath (&gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, &Remaining, Handle);
if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
if (*Handle == PreviousHandle) {
// If no forward progress is made try invoking the Dispatcher.
// A new FV may have been added to the system and new drivers
// may now be found.
// Status == EFI_SUCCESS means a driver was dispatched
// Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND means no new drivers were dispatched
Status = gDS->Dispatch ();
if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
PreviousHandle = *Handle;
// Recursive = FALSE: We do not want to start the whole device tree
Status = gBS->ConnectController (*Handle, NULL, Remaining, FALSE);
} while (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && !IsDevicePathEnd (Remaining));
In every loop we are using same value in Remaining (Remaining = *DevicePath), means it will exist only when there is an error in Status because IsDevicePathEnd (Remaining) will never be true.
Then what is the use of this check?
Kindly help.
Thanks & regards
Meenakshi Aggarwal
I am trying to boot linux from SD card.
I have made below changes in my dsc file:
gArmPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDefaultBootDescription|L"Linux from SD"
Here B6F43CC0-9E45-11DF-BE21-0002A5D5C51B is Guid of my SD driver.
My driver's device path is:
gDevicePath = {
Here VenHw has Type as 1 and subtype as 4 in device path whereas HD has Type as 4 and subtype as 1 as device path.
I am registering Type as 1 and subtype as 4 in my driver's device path, is this correct?
In BdsLoadImage() function check is on Type 4 and subtype 1 in BdsGetDeviceHd() function, which is failing in my case.
Also in BdsConnectAndUpdateDevicePath(),
do {
Remaining = *DevicePath;
// The LocateDevicePath() function locates all devices on DevicePath that support Protocol and returns
// the handle to the device that is closest to DevicePath. On output, the device path pointer is modified
// to point to the remaining part of the device path
Status = gBS->LocateDevicePath (&gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, &Remaining, Handle);
if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
if (*Handle == PreviousHandle) {
// If no forward progress is made try invoking the Dispatcher.
// A new FV may have been added to the system and new drivers
// may now be found.
// Status == EFI_SUCCESS means a driver was dispatched
// Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND means no new drivers were dispatched
Status = gDS->Dispatch ();
if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
PreviousHandle = *Handle;
// Recursive = FALSE: We do not want to start the whole device tree
Status = gBS->ConnectController (*Handle, NULL, Remaining, FALSE);
} while (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && !IsDevicePathEnd (Remaining));
In every loop we are using same value in Remaining (Remaining = *DevicePath), means it will exist only when there is an error in Status because IsDevicePathEnd (Remaining) will never be true.
Then what is the use of this check?
Kindly help.
Thanks & regards
Meenakshi Aggarwal