Thanks Olivier!
Is there some PCI NIC card or E1000 driver (PCI device driver) written on top of PCI bus driver for ARM architecture, any references?
One is Intel's e1000 driver, which is proprietary and is requested by the -D E1000_ENABLE build flag( I have seen this in commit Logs)
I have also seen in some logs that following libraries are referred for enabling PCI e1000 support:
Are these required for PCI NIC (e1000 card) driver?
Thanks and regards,
From: Olivier Martin [mailto:***]
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 6:50 PM
To: Leekha Shaveta-B20052; edk2-***
Cc: Chauhan Deepak-B10991; Theja Ravi-B11286
Subject: RE: [edk2] some queries in "EFI_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_PROTOCOL" implementation
From: Leekha Shaveta [mailto:***]
Sent: 16 June 2015 12:59
To: edk2-***<mailto:edk2-***>; Olivier Martin
Cc: Deepak Chauhan; Konda Ravi
Subject: RE: [edk2] some queries in "EFI_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_PROTOCOL" implementation
Thanks Olivier!
Please find my doubts and replies in-lined.
Thanks and Regards,
From: Olivier Martin [mailto:***]
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 4:53 PM
To: edk2-***<mailto:edk2-***>
Cc: Chauhan Deepak-B10991; Theja Ravi-B11286
Subject: Re: [edk2] some queries in "EFI_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_PROTOCOL" implementation
PCI bus contains three type of memory:
- PCI Configuration Space
- PCI I/O Space
- PCI Memory Space
RootBridgeIoMemWrite () writes to 'PCI Memory Space'.
I would say the description matches your interpretation if you assume 'PCI controller' is the same as what you named '(PCI) devices'.
[Shaveta]: True! As config space is also mapped to memory in PCI 3.0 ? and we can get same registers in memory also?
[Olivier] PCI Config Space is also present in your CPU Memory Map when using PCI 3.0.
Your (PCI) device is attached to a PCI root bridge (what you names as 'PCI 3.0 controller'). You can potentially have more than one PCI controller on your platform.
RootBridgeIoIoRead () reads to 'PCI I/O Space'.
[Shaveta] What is this PCI IO space? And how PCI controller's registers can be read from PCI IO space?
[Olivier] PCI I/O space:
PCI I/O space is not supported on ARM architectures.
BAR means 'Base Address Register'. They are actually read from the PCI configuration space but they point to the different PCI I/O & Mem spaces.
[Shaveta] Yes in PCI 3.0, all BARs are in PCI config space. But in PCI bus implementation in MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/PciBusDxe/PciIo.c
For example In function:
PciIoPollIo (
IN UINT8 BarIndex,
IN UINT64 Offset,
IN UINT64 Mask,
IN UINT64 Value,
IN UINT64 Delay,
OUT UINT64 *Result
Status = PciIoIoRead (This, Width, BarIndex, Offset, 1, Result);
Why PciIoIoRead is used to read the BAR ?
Or is it actually reading the IO space specified in this given BAR?
[Olivier] BAR represents PCI I/O or Memory space. PciIoRead() does not read the BAR but PciIoRead() uses the BAR.
You have different types of BAR. BAR for I/O Space, BAR for PCI 32bit Memory, BAR for PCI 64bit prefetechable Memory, etc
From: Leekha Shaveta [mailto:***]
Sent: 16 June 2015 11:50
To: edk2-***<mailto:edk2-***>
Cc: Deepak Chauhan; Konda Ravi
Subject: [edk2] some queries in "EFI_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_PROTOCOL" implementation
I was implementing "EFI_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_PROTOCOL" protocol for PCI 3.0 controlller,
I have few more basic queries like:
(1) In function:
RootBridgeIoMemWrite (
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *Buffer
The description says:
"Enables a PCI driver to access PCI controller registers in the PCI root bridge memory space.
The Mem.Read(), and Mem.Write() functions enable a driver to access PCI controller
registers in the PCI root bridge memory space."
What does this mean?
I thought that Mem.Read/Mem.Write means reading memory space that is kept/allocated to various memory devices.
But this description seems to say different.
(2) Similarly
"Enables a PCI driver to access PCI controller registers in the PCI root bridge I/O space." For function:
RootBridgeIoIoRead (
IN UINT64 UserAddress,
OUT VOID *UserBuffer
What is this PCI root bridge I/O and Memory space?
As I have seen that these Mem.Read/mem.Write and Io.Read/Io.Write functions have been used by PCI Bus driver for reading "BarIndex" at various stages.
Aren't all BAR registers in PCI configuration space?
Kindly help in clearing these doubts.
Thanks and Regards,
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